Thursday, June 23, 2011

Relaxing in Red Wing

Matthew and I had the chance to get away for our Third wedding anniversary. We explored the town of Red Wing, Minnesota, and stayed at the beautiful St. James Hotel. We even saw the lengendary size 638 1/2 Red Wing Shoes Boot. We loved Red Wing and can't wait to go back. Here are some pictures of our trip:)

Our beautiful room!:)

We tried a new ice cream flavor here: Salted Carmel --so delicious!

Two of my favorite things: Matthew and Shoes!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Surrounded by Blessings

It has been awhile since I last posted--lots of unpacking (getting internet!!) and settling in has taken place over the last couple of weeks. I am finally able to sit back and work on a post.

These past few weeks I have found myself overwhelmed and in awe of God's blessing and provision in our lives.

On May 21st we moved into our new home and it couldn't have had a more wonderful day. No, the weather wasn't great, yes there was a lot to do but we were surrounded by our friends and family who made our move so easy we still can't believe it. We love you guys! Thank you for all that you did to make our day easier and one that we will remember forever.

I know that I have been promising pictures of our home--I will put them up as soon as we are done unpacking--for now here is a sneak peek of our living room area.

Now..back to unpacking.....