Saturday, May 14, 2011

Closing Time!!!!

We are officially homeowners!!:) We are so excited and thankful for this wonderful blessing. Yesterday was a long day for Matthew and I. We woke up early, made a stop at the bank, did one last walk-through of our townhome and waited to hear whether or not we would be closing on our home at 11:30am appointment.

We stopped at our local coffee hangout and enjoyed some waffles and lattes while we waited.

11:30a came and went--we finally got a call around 2p saying that we would not be closing that day. Matthew and I were dissapointed but knew that we needed to be patient and continue to follow God's leading (not closing=no house).

I silently prayed and hoped that somehow we would close--10 minutes later I got a call telling us to hurry down to the Relator office--we had clearance to close!!

After signing on what seemed like every piece of paper in the state, we were handed the keys to our new home.

Thank you to all of you who have prayed alongside of us for this day. We are so happy and look forward to all the new experiences to come.

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