Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I love Easter:) It is a great time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross--He paid the price for my sin and yours. What a gift! The best of it is--He rose and is ALIVE. To me, this is a sign of true love. I will always ask why Jesus would give up His life for mine but it is something I am so greatful for and a message I want to share with everyone that I come into contact with.

Our Easter Sunday started with attending the church that we were married in, followed by a beautiful lunch at Matthew's parents' home. We had a much needed day of rest with good company.

We hope that you had a wonderful Easter!:)


  1. Your egg words turned out so good, I can never get ours that perfect! :)

  2. The egg placement is almost symbolic of real life.
