Thursday, April 28, 2011

At Work in Chicago

I've been on a work trip in Chicago for the past week.

Yes..Deep Dish Pizza was part of the trip:)

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I love Easter:) It is a great time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross--He paid the price for my sin and yours. What a gift! The best of it is--He rose and is ALIVE. To me, this is a sign of true love. I will always ask why Jesus would give up His life for mine but it is something I am so greatful for and a message I want to share with everyone that I come into contact with.

Our Easter Sunday started with attending the church that we were married in, followed by a beautiful lunch at Matthew's parents' home. We had a much needed day of rest with good company.

We hope that you had a wonderful Easter!:)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Paint and Waffles

This weekend Matthew and I went to Menards in search of paint colors for the town home. After sorting through the HUNDREDS of color swatches we came away with some different options that we are excited to try in the space. It's been fun to think about how we will decorate, paint and put our home together. I know that it is something that we will continue to work on over the next months and years.

We also enjoyed some time at our new favorite spot, The Buzz Coffee and Cafe in Burnsville. They have an amazing variety of coffee drinks, sandwiches, and a great selection of waffles. It has been fun finding new hangout spots in the Twin Cities area near our church and soon to be new home.

Here's a picture of what we got to enjoy:)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We're buying a house!!!

We're buying our first home--and we are so excited. After almost three years of aparment living, we are excited to have a little more room and have a space that we can make our own.

We started our home search in November and it has been an experience that we will never forget. After a month of searching we found our townhome--only to discover that it was a shortsale property. Not only were we first time homebuyers, we were first time homebuyers hoping to purchase a shortsale home-a complicated combination. (Shortsales are not quick--the process can take up to 120 days and most of the time the sale is not approved)

We have been so blessed to have Matthew's uncle as our realtor. He has helped make this process managable and as well as enjoyable. We are hoping for an April 29th closing date!

We are looking forward to having friends and family over and grilling out on the deck this summer! Our hope is that our home will be a welcoming place for all to enjoy. More to come on our move along with a picture tour of our home.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting Started

Welcome to our blog! We finally have a place to keep our family and friends updated on our life. We are enjoying life in Minnesota and can't wait to see what God has in store for us.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."--Jeremiah 29:11